Our submissions
SIA represents the securities industry on non-competitive operational, policy, regulatory and legislative matters to strengthen and grow New Zealand's financial market ecosystem. This includes contributing to conversations, consultations and submission processes relating to our industry and its priorities. Firms may also contribute individual submissions on issues specific to their organisations. Some recent SIA submissions are provided below.
- Proposed fair outcomes for consumers and markets (FMA, March 2024)
- Review of New Zealand Certificate in Financial Services (Level 5) (Ringa Hora Services Workforce Development Council, January, 2024)
- Appearance before Finance and Expenditure Select Committee regarding Taxation (Annual Rates for 2023-24, Multinational Tax, and Remedial Matters) Bill (January, 2024)
- Liquidity risk management guidance (FMA, November 2023)
- NZX DARK (Mid-Point Order Book) – Participant Rules and Guidance (NZX, October 2023,
- Proposed standard condition on business continuity and technology systems (NZX, September 2023)
- NZX Participant Rules – Booking Purposes Only Transactions Consultation Paper (NZX, September 2023)
- AML/CFT (Class Exemptions) Notice 2018 (Ministry of Justice, September 2023)
- Privacy regulation of biometrics in Aotearoa New Zealand (Office of the Privacy Commissioner, August 2023)
- SIA and NZX made a joint submission on proposed changes to the Trustee Tax Rate in the Taxation (Annual Rates for 2023-24, Multinational Tax, and Remedial Matters) Bill. Read more. (Finance and Expenditure Select Committee, July 2023)
- Exposure draft of the Customer and Product Data Bill (Consumer Data Right) (MBIE, July 2023)
- AML/CFT Review Early Regulation package (Ministry of Justice, April 2023)
- CoFI Guidance: Treatment of intermediaries of financial institutions/intermediated distribution (FMA, April 2023)
- Market Incidents Protocols/Trading Halt Conventions (NZX, February 2023 and additional feedback September 2023)
- Prescribed Persons Trading Guidance Note (NZX, additional feedback February 2023)
- NZ Clearing Recovery & Replenishment Tools (NZX, February 2023)
- Regulatory Initiatives Calendar (Council of Financial Regulators, November 2022)
- Guidance note for client money or property service providers (FMA, November 2022)
- CoFI Regulations: Sales incentives (FMA, November 2022)
- Financial Markets (Conduct of Institutions) Amendment Act, and Conduct of Financial Institutions (CoFI) regulations, and Treatment of intermediaries of financial institutions (FMA)
- Proposed regulatory returns for licensed Class 3 financial advice providers (FMA, November 2022)
- Proposed regulatory returns for licensed Class 3 financial advice providers (FMA, October 2022)
- Privacy regulation of biometrics in Aotearoa New Zealand (Privacy Commissioner, September 2022)
- NZX Capital Raising Settings and Listing Options Targeted Review (NZX, August 2022)
- Modern Slavery and Worker Exploitation (MBIE, June 2022)
- Factsheets on Customer Due Diligence for companies and sole traders and partnerships (FMA/MoJ/DIA, May 2022)
- Prescribed Persons Trading Guidance Note (NZX, May 2022)
- NZ Markets Disciplinary Tribunal (NZMDT) Rules and Procedures (NZX, March 2022)
- Code Standard 3 – Reasonable grounds for financial advice about financial products (advice on IPOs and listed equity products)
- Draft Guidance: reasonable grounds for financial advice and relying on another person's assessment (FMA, July and November 2021)
- NZX/SIA Relationship Charter
- NZ Clearing Recovery and Replenishment Tools ctd (NZX, November 2021)
- Review of AML/CFT Act Consultation Document (MoJ, October 2021)
- Mid-Point Order Book (NZX, September 2021)
- Quotation of Debt Instruments (NZX, July 2021)
- Conduct of Financial Institutions regulations (MBIE, April 2021)
- Treatment of intermediaries of financial institutions (MBIE, April 2021)
- Trading Conduct Guidance Note - Indications of Interest (NZX, April 2021)
- Proposed guidance on advertising offers (FMA, February 2021)
- NZX Self-Match Prevention – Functionality Overview (September 2020, v.0.3) and draft Practice Note (NZX, November 2020)
- Draft Information Sheet: Overseas research reports (NZX, November 2020)
- Trading Conduct Guidance Note - Indications of Interest (NZX, September 2020)
- Negative yield bonds and draft class waiver of NZX Participant Rules in relation to yield traded quotes Debt Securities (NZX, September 2020)
- Proposed standard conditions for financial advice provider full licences and classes of financial adviser service (FMA, August 2020)
- COVID-19 class relief - waiver extension for Capital Raising and ANREO (NZX, August 2020)
- Financial Markets Conduct Amendment Regulations 2020, (FMA)
- Regulations relating to Custodians under FSLAA (MBIE)
- Financial Advisers (NZX Brokers – Client Money and Client Property) Exemption Notice 2015 (FMA, May 2020)
- Financial Markets Conduct (Offers of Financial Products Through Authorised Financial Advisers Supplying Personalised DIMS) Exemption Notice 2015.
- Permanent change for equity orders (NZX, May 2020)
- Financial Markets (Conduct of Financial Institutions) Amendment Bill (Finance and Expenditure Select Committee, April 2020)
- Review of FMA funding and levy (MBIE, February 2020)
- Climate Change Financial Disclosures (Ministry for the Environment, December 2019)
- Financial Markets Conduct (Regulated Financial Advice Disclosure) Amendment Regulations 2019 (MBIE, November 2019)
- NZ Clearing Recovery and Replenishment Tools (NZX, November 2019)
- NZX Mid-Point Order Book (NZX, November 2019)
- Proposed guidance on green bonds and other responsible investment products consultation document (FMA, October 2019)
- Financial Market Infrastructures Bill: Exposure Draft (RBNZ, September, 2019)
- Feedback on New Financial advice regime exemptions (FMA, September 2019)
- Proposed standard conditions for financial advice provider transitional licences (FMA, July 2019)
- Draft NZX Guidance Note on Client Communication Recording (NZX, June 2019)
- Capital Markets 2029: have your say (June 2019)
- Conduct of financial institutions review options paper (MBIE, May 2019)
- Joint submission from SIA and NZX on the Tax Working Group's Future of Tax: Final Report (Tax Working Group, April 2019)
- Financial advice provider licensing fees and changes to the FMA levy (MBIE, February 2019)
- Draft Code of Professional Conduct for Financial Advisers (November 2018)
- Joint submission from SIA and NZX on the Tax Working Group's Future of Tax: Interim Report (November 2018)
- Disclosure requirements in the new finance advice regime consultation (May 2018)
- Code of Professional Conduct for Financial Advisers (April 2018)
- Draft Suspicious Activity Reporting Guidelines consultation (NZ Police, April 2018)
- Financial Services Legislation Amendment Bill (February 2018)
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Disclaimer: The Securities Industry Association (SIA) is not a registered financial services provider or authorised financial adviser. Information provided on this website is provided for general information only. The SIA and its members do not assume any responsibility for giving financial, legal or other professional advice through this website and disclaims any liability arising from the use of the information on this website. If you require financial, legal or other expert advice you should seek assistance from a professional adviser.
Securities Industry Association © 2018